Chemical peels to minimize pores & scars, smooth, & invigorate skin

Chemical peels can make skin improvements

Many kinds of improvement for skin


Salicylic Chemical Peels Can Minimize Pores And Scars, Smooth And Invigorate Skin – why it is valuable to know about

Salicylic chemical peels are the best, most affordable method for reducing pore size. Laser peels are also a choice, but they are expensive and should be done by a professional. Any other method is just temporary or covering up the problem.

The salicylic peel causes your skin to grow new skin cells and gain collagen that is lost with aging. It can effectively help control acne and reduce wrinkles and scars. It is also a method of improving skin tone, smoothing your skin, and removing sun damage. You can go to a professional for chemical peels or you can do it yourself at home.

Extremely gentle pore minimizer – alternative or partner to chemical peels

If you are not ready to try chemical peels. Aloe vera gel is a great pore minimizer that is very gentle. This works as an astringent to tighten pores. It is well known for being very soothing, and can moisturize and help to heal. Egg masks are very good for the skin and help tighten and firm. Combined with egg, it makes a good combination for a mask. Aloe vera can also be used as a partner with chemical peel treatment.

There is also Vitamin A (retinoid) cream, and Niacinimide (Vitamin B3, nicotinic acid combined with amino acids) cream, and skin toners to help reduce pores. There are ways to reduce their appearance through primers, makeup and setting it with face powder that is very fine powder.

My experience – skin improvements

When I first tried chemical peeling, I used salicylic acid that was 17%. I used this repeatedly for a few years. Then I tried a much stronger salicylic acid that was 30% and also had tea tree oil in it. What a difference that makes! I was blown away that the much, much stronger 30% chemical was a far gentler process just because of the tea tree oil.

This addition of tea tree oil results in a chemical peel where I did not even feel the burn! The entire process afterward was so gentle that it was hardly noticeable! It was also a far more effective chemical peel. I learned all this from trial and error. I highly recommend the chemical peel that has tea tree oil!

Moisturize after

It is very important to both the healing process and soothing your skin to use a moisturizer immediately following your peel. It is also very, very important to stay out of the sun. Your skin is unprotected during this process. It is good to know that you get an additional benefit from your chemical peel of removing your sun damaged skin. This type of chemical peel is often used to remove cancerous skin.

I used 17% concentration first

The 17% salicylic acid peel did sting a little, but it feels and looks just like a light sunburn. After moisturizing, the redness goes away in a few hours. It takes me a week to go through the entire healing process. The skin starts to peel 2 days after the salicylic acid application. This chemical peel without the tea tree oil was thick and stayed put very well.

Next I used 30% concentration

With the 30% salicylic peel with tea tree oil, I do not even feel the chemical peel…and that is an amazing difference to me! The redness following disappears really fast. The healing process proceeds with much the same progress as the 17% salicylic peels did for me. It was far gentler and more subtle healing process though. You will not want to use a brush with this…it is more fluid and can splash toward your eyes. I use Q-tips for the application.

The process

When you use straight salicylic acid, you can use water to stop the peel. When you use the one with tea tree oil, you use baking soda and water to stop the peel. The time you wish to allow for your chemical peel is something that is different for everyone. I read the advice on the instructions and reviews for the products to get a feel for the time that I wanted to use.

For your first chemical peel, I would recommend trying an amount of time on the low end. Once you have experienced that first one, you will have a good idea of what length of time is right for you and what to expect. I usually use the maximum time, I do not have trouble with it and am perfectly comfortable with the process as well. If you are comfortable during the chemical peel, monitor your time so you don’t run too long and stop worrying about limiting it to a smaller time frame.

Tea tree oil

It turns out that the tea tree oil breaks through the skin oil and dirt and better penetrates the pores. It also helps to eliminate the bacteria that contribute to acne problems. The tea tree oil reduces inflammation that the chemical peels can cause. The other botanical ingredients can also contribute antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefits to the process. These botanicals can also help combat the drying effects on the skin.


It is best to let the dead skin separate and come off on it’s own. The best way to remove the dead skin once it is separating is to take a bath or shower. This will saturate well, then just rub your face with slightly more pressure than normal with your hands when you are washing… a washcloth may be too harsh. The skin that is ready to come away will slough off easily. You may want to repeat.

Any skin that is not ready to come away will stay. Be patient, this phase will pass faster than you think. The areas that are around edges will separate first. A section that is separating, causes injury to the live skin where it is still connected when pulled off…don’t do this.

Should your skin should become dry and leathery, be careful not to have splitting of the dead skin in areas like the edge of your mouth. This may cause a split in the new vulnerable skin beneath. Combat this with moisturizing or washing your face.

If you do have an accident where your new skin is damaged while the dead skin is peeling away…don’t worry, it is just a tiny amount of surface layers that are involved in the chemical peel process. It should heal fine, it will just add a little more time to your peeling process recovery.


Time your chemical peel for a Thursday. That way you are in your peeling phase on the weekend. Pick a time in your schedule where you can stay home. Your process may have slightly different timing than mine…everyone is different. My experience can help give you the information that can help you in your own process.

I suggest that you keep some notes about your own timing. If and when you want to do another chemical peel, you will be even better prepared. The best thing to do if your skin is dry is to moisturize it well and go without makeup. If you do wear makeup, make sure you use a type that is effective at hiding wrinkles instead of emphasizing them. It works the same with the dry skin edges from your chemical peel. Make sure to have a good moisturizer barrier under your makeup.

Don’t overlap

I recommend that you do not do any other skin procedures at the same time or overlapping the time of this treatment. That would be too harsh and inflammatory for your skin. Inflammation should be corrected and avoided as much as possible. Be sure to moisturize your skin well during your healing process.

Acne prevention

If the effect of this treatment and moisturizing afterward should cause you to start to break out, take preventative measures immediately. I like to use Proactive Refining Mask on those locations. It works really well and really fast. You may have a favorite product that is different than mine. If you do not have anything available, use an egg mask. This does not work quite as fast, but it is still fast and effective against acne.

Aloe Vera Gel

4.4 our of 5 stars and over 6,900 reviews

Of all the chemical peels that I have tried, Planet Eden is by far the best.

Chemical peel only

I have found trouble with buying these now… they are selling too well!
This is chemical peel only. It is a very good chemical peel with tea tree oil included.

This one has tea tree oil & green tea extracts

Post Treatment Moisturizing

I have a page about Post Treatment moisturizing choices. You can learn the advantages and issues for each one.

These are my personal favorite oils that I use, all very highly rated:

These are are other oils from the list that are best sellers on Amazon:

These are great oil sets that you might like to try:

Keep in mind

Do not perform chemical peels, dermabrasion, or microneedling treatments if you are sick, feel unhealthy, or feel that your immune system is compromised or weakened. Do not perform chemical peels, dermabrasion, or microneedling treatments if you have problems with bleeding or thin blood, or cannot handle pain at the level of a light sunburn.

You must keep your skin clean and protected while it is healing. Everything I have read says that salicylic acid peels are safe for dark skin, but if you are unsure, check to be sure that they are not a problem for you. Do not perform a chemical peel if you are using Isotretinoin or Acutane for acne

If you need to neutralize any acid… baking soda is a good tool for that and is readily available in most homes too. You can have this handy when using acid just in case you need it.

Valuable To Know