Many CAUSES of cellulite

Exercise helps to fight cellulite - many causes

Exercise is one way to fight cellulite

Some of the Causes of Cellulite are less obvious

What causes cellulite? There are many factors involved in the appearance problem called cellulite. I think a very significant one is poor circulation. There are many other factors that play into this condition as well. The non-surgical activities that help this condition most are ones that improve circulation and change the fat, like exercise and massage.

Thin people get cellulite. Athletic people get it too. Weight gain can make it more noticeable. Loss of elasticity of the skin can also make it more noticeable, we can start to see it more with aging.

Poor circulation

When poor circulation causes cellulite, it shows the decline in the skin condition first. The effects of aging also degrades the skin condition. With aging, skin declines in the amount of collagen, elastin, and hyularonic acid that keeps it healthy and flexible. In the earliest stages, this poor skin condition is all that shows for the cellulite appearance. There may or may not be issues below the skin that just do not show yet.

Aging skin

Aging skin loses collagen because collagen production becomes less and less with time. The hyaluronic acid content also declines and elastin breaks up and declines as well. This causes loss of firmness and dullness of the skin.

The appearance change in the case of cellulite is that skin gets a rippled appearance, then a dimpled appearance. The wavy appearance worsens as the condition of the skin is amplified by the lumpy form that occurs to the fat and tissues beneath. The connective tissue between causes a wavy effect.

Fat structure

The fat structure of adipose fat just under the skin layer is different between men and women. The woman has a framework structure for the fat that is very vertical in structure. The man has a framework structure that also has horizontal structure added in that gives it better strength. This lack of strength to the structure surrounding the fat in women’s cellulite areas is affected by added pressure. This can be additional fat, fluid retention, etc. The pressure change effects on the fat structures is to make them more nodular, enlarged, and pronounced.

Alpha and beta receptors

A strong influencer of these fat structures is alpha and beta receptors. The alpha receptors cause fat cells to produce more fat, cause constriction of blood vessels, and release sugar into the bloodstream when stimulated. Beta receptors break down fat, increase heart rate, and relax blood vessels when stimulated. There are 9 times as many beta receptors as alpha receptors in the cellulite areas of the woman’s body.


Hormones also play into what causes cellulite. Extra estrogen causes more fat to be accumulated. Cruciferous vegetables will help lower estrogen level if you feel that is needed help in your diet. Eating low-fat and high fiber can also help.

Poor diet

Healthy eating also plays into what causes cellulite. Reducing the amount of processed foods, eating lots of vegetables and fruit are beneficial. Estrogen-imitator foods like soy products should be avoided.

Activity level

Even if you never had issues with cellulite, becoming sedentary can bring about this condition quickly. Sitting more can lead to less calorie expenditure, more weight gain, loss of muscle tone.


Genetics play a part as well. If there are a lot of women in your family who are fighting with cellulite, you are probably going to have that battle too.

What can be done?!?

Don’t feel discouraged. The best case is to have an active, healthy lifestyle that prevents this issue. You also have the best chance for changing this if you don’t let it go to far before taking action. YOU CAN IMPROVE THIS! It takes some work.


Valuable To Know