Understand this aging process and how to counteract it
Our Hands Can Show Aging First, But We Can Fight This
There are ways to help our hands look younger. We can can fight the processes that make them look old. Since this usually where it happens first, we have the opportunity to try treatments out here and see what we like. The appearance of aging skin will creep in elsewhere too and this experience and knowledge can prove useful.
Age spots (Liver spots)
Age spots are the same thing as liver spots. Liver spot is a deceiving name, they have nothing to do with the liver. These are dark spots that are a lot like freckles, only they can be much larger. Sometimes they are on a raised platform of skin. These spots are typically uniform color throughout and do not change in shape. The edges of them are defined and they do not fade the way freckles do.
Melanoma spots are similar to age spots. It is important to know the difference. These are asymmetric (both sides are not mirror images of each other). The borders are not defined. They will have variance in the color through them. They can be itchy, sensitive, or bleed easily. Melanoma is really dangerous. If you are in any way unsure whether or not you have these…go to your doctor and have them checked. This is an easy thing to do.
I got them very young
When I was around 20 years old, I starting noticing that my hands were covered in age spots. They looked like tan colored scales. They were raised with the dark freckle on top. There was no mistaking that they were more than freckles. The dermatologist said that they were liver spots. He said that it didn’t mean that there was anything wrong. Some people just get them sooner than others.
Why the hands
They usually are the first place that show our age. This is because of sun exposure. We all underestimate the cost of sun damage until we see the results. The reason we see it in our hand first is because whether or not you take the time to use sun block…whether or not you are a sun worshiper or not…they are always out there in those rays.
While you are doing activities outside, they are more often the horizontal surface for the sun to hit well. The areas of the body that are prime for sun exposure are… the top of your head, your nose, shoulders, feet, and hands. The coverage of all these others areas varies, but your hands are always out there.
It doesn’t stop here
Well, the damage that ages our hand does not stop there. As we age, the fat begins to disappear below the skin. Think about the elderly hands you have seen…the veins and muscle below show through. This is because the fat layer goes away, and the skin becomes more thin and loose. At that stage, these are the more noticeable characteristics, not age spots. We can fight this appearance as well.

Hand that has lost most of the fat layer
Here is what it looks like when you have young looking skin, but the fat layer has been greatly reduced. You can see the structure under the skin now. This can happen by working so hard that you loose that fat layer. This is part of the process that can make hands look old. I have been a fanatic, avid exercise enthusiast, and this has not happened to my hands. I think there are many factors that probably play into this transition…
We can fight these aging effects!
There are 2 treatments that we can use to fight these aging processes. These are skin care tools that are very inexpensive…no creams or pills. They are long term improvements, not temporary. In fact these tools will make your favorite skin products work even better.
What makes these solutions so valuable to know
When we fight these signs of aging in our hands first, this gives us the opportunity to try out the solutions there first. Aging will start in other areas soon after this and we will be more prepared for that. Find out what treatments and skin care items you like best and work best for YOU. Everyone has their own unique genetics, skin condition, likes and dislikes. There are so many choices in skin creams, chemical peels, skin treatments, etc.
I use these solutions
I removed those ages spots on my hands and they have not come back. In fact, I sometimes wish I had known about this and done it sooner… Every now and then I do collagen induction therapy on them before I go to bed. The veins do show, but I think that is the case for most of us who do weight-lifting regularly. Other than that, mine do not look old. I have now done this for my upper arms as well. For me that was the next area.
Update… 2021… I am now starting to see fat loss in my hands… That is the one factor out of the 3 that I cannot fight with my DIY work.
More on these solutions…
We can eliminate liver spots.
My experience with chemical peels
The other treatment is to preserve the health of the skin. We can restore collagen that makes your skin look young and healthy. This treatment also thickens and firms the skin.